This material is for those who understand energy basics, and want to become even more knowledgeable about these topics. Since there is so much material to cover, we’ve divided it into three categories, based on the topics that would be a part of a genuine scientific assessment: Technical, Economic, and Environmental.
Remember that this is just a small sampling of energy related financial articles! If you can’t find the Economic information you’re interested in here, go to one of the sources listed on our Current News page and do a specific search in their archives for what you are looking for.
If you only have the time to review one financial document, then look at Wind Energy: Local Economics 101.
Brookings Report: Economically, Wind and Solar Are Our Worst Options
MIT Report: Comparing the Costs of Intermittent and Dispatchable Electricity Sources
The Levelized Cost of Existing Electricity Sources
The Unseen Costs of Wind-Generated Electricity
Industrial Wind Plants: Bad Economics, Bad Ecology
The High Cost of Wind and Solar
The Hidden Costs of Wind Energy
Why Wind Power Has Low Economic Value
The Full Cost of Wind and Solar are Simply Staggering
The Economic Importance of Bats in Agriculture and US County dollar calculations
Making Sense of Levelized Energy Costs
The Levelized Costs of Electricity Generation
Electricity Costs: The Folly of Wind Energy
A few dozen reports about the inaccuracy of wind energy job claims by lobbyists
Wind Energy: the Case of Denmark
How AWEA’s Job Claims are Bogus
A superior article on decommissioning costs
The Economic and Social Costs of Electricity Production: Small Modular Reactors
EIA’s most recent electricity costs, by state
Wind Energy Subsidies
Everything you want to know about the US Wind Energy PTC (Production Tax Credit)
The cost per wind energy job is extraordinarily high
Testimony before US House Science & Technology Committee on Federal Energy Subsidies
An important FERC case: Windpower Tax
The Appalling Truth on Energy Subsidies
Some Federal Wind Handouts Duplicative
Wind Subsidies Spinning Out of Control
The List of recent Green Energy Failures
MLP: more BS about “leveling the playing field”
AWEA Misconstrues the Facts on Subsidies
Big Wind Energy Subsidies: A Hurricane of Carnage, Cronyism and Corruption
Read our page on Mandates, as they are another form of subsidy
Wind Energy’s Cost of Saving CO2
$1.7 TRILLION Spent on Wind & Solar: Zero CO2 Abated!
The true, tragic cost of wind energy
The High Cost of Wind Energy as a Carbon-Dioxide Reduction Method
Wind Energy Cost to Key Industries
Real Estate: a large collection of articles about wind’s negative effect on residential property value
Agriculture: see how wind energy clashes with real farming.
Tourism: a sample report how tourism can be severely affected.
Military: an overview of the multiple ways wind energy can adversely affect military installations.
Note: these are all in addition to the fact that every business will be adversely affected by the higher costs of electricity generated by wind energy.