This material is for those who understand energy basics, and want to become even more knowledgeable about these topics. Since there is so much material to cover, we’ve divided it into three categories, based on the topics that would be a part of a genuine scientific assessment: Technical, Economic and Environmental.
Remember that this is just a small sampling of energy related environmental articles! If you can’t find the Environmental information you’re interested in here, go to one of the sources listed on our Current News page and do a specific search in their archives for what you are looking for. [Note: for simplicity sake we are including human health impacts under the Environmental category.]
Human Impact
A sample of the numerous studies done about the adverse health effects from industrial wind turbines
A collection of numerous peer-reviewed studies on the health effects due to industrial wind turbines
Multiple Peer-Reviewed Reports about the adverse impact wind turbine noise has on human health
Brown County (Wisc) Health Board rules that wind energy is a health hazard
The official position of Poland’s National Institute of Public Health on industrial wind turbines
Low Frequency Noise and Industrial Wind Turbines
An exceptional critique of the Massachusetts “health” report, by an MIT PhD
Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes (a Peer Reviewed study)
Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbines (Peer Reviewed)
A superior collection of turbine health related reports
A worthwhile site about turbine noise and health issues
Wind Turbine Noise and Human Perception: superior
Are Wind Projects Too Close to Communities? (Peer Reviewed)
A Cooperative Measurement Survey and Analysis of Infrasound
Wind Energy: A Review of Human Health & Safety Concerns
Ontario Health Unit Hears Results of Turbine Study
Health Experiments on People without their Consent
Scientific Evidence of Turbine Infrasound
Wind Turbine infrasound is a unique environmental noise
Review of Noise Studies and Related Material
Health Effects of Infrasound can Cause Death
Seismic Effects of Industrial Wind Turbines
Concerns of crop dusters regarding wind turbines
Summary of Wind Turbine Accident data (please report accidents, etc. to these people)
A world map of reported incidents caused by wind turbines (please report accidents, etc. to these people)
Environmental Overviews
The shocking environmental cost of renewable energy
A fine piece about environmental hypocrisy
Ecological Effects of Wind Energy Development
30 Million Birds Annually Killed by Wind Turbines
Renewable Energy: The Vision and a Dose of Reality
Five Environmental Myths About Green Energy
Environmental Groups Endorse “None of the Above” Energy
Wind projects’ negative impact on the local weather: for up to 15 miles away!
Evaluation of Wind Power Avoided Emissions Benefits
Wind Integration Incremental Emissions: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Wildlife and Domestic Animal “Takings”
Wind Turbines Are Killing Our Birds
John Muir Trust and Wind Turbines
Trampling on people, environment, science and ethics
The hypocrisy of The Endangered Species Act
Big Wind and Avian Mortality: Part 1 & Part 2
Expert says Turbine Bird Deaths may be Underreported
German wind turbines kill over 200,000 bats a year
Do Wind Turbines Harm Animals?
Wind Energy = Animal Deaths and Deformities?
Modern Wind Turbines Generate Dangerously “Dirty” Electricity
Study: The Effects of Turbines on Wildlife, Livestock, and Domestic Animals (¶ 5)
Study: Infrasound Effects on Land Based Animals and Freshwater Creatures